Ink Management

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Ink Management

Ink management can be divided in 3 areas:

1. The dispensing of ink in an ink kitchen. In this part it is important to correctly manage all ink formulation and link them to the colours printed. At the same time it is important to reuse press returns in the most cost effective way. Technology Coaching can support you in this area by helping you in the implementation but also help you improve by taking a different approach. 2. Ink stability on the printing press is another area. It is about keeping the ink stable on the press so that you print a consistent colour. It is the printed colour the customer will complain about not the ink. However during production it is the ink that needs to be stable. Technology Coaching can help you practically in the process of ink stability during the printing process. Read more about it in the articles below. 3. Ink utilisation is the last important area of ink management. For the corrugated industry it is not uncommon that less then 50% of the ink purchased is printed on the board. The rest is loss. This is a big opportunity for cost reduction. Technology Coaching has a special support program to help you in this area. To manage better your ink consumption which will result in  less cost and a better environment.

A useful product that supports ink management is the Press

Manager Foundation and ICCSforPMF software suite.

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Read more about ink management in the following articles:

“Ink properties and production”

International Paper Board Industry, March 2006

“Ink properties and production”

FlexoTech, March 2006

“Ink foaming of water based inks, what is the reason and can it be


FlexoTech, September 2006

“Ink foaming - what is the reason and can it be resolved?”

International Paper Board Industry, September 2006

“Ink foaming of water-based inks”

Flexo & Gravure Int’l, December 2006